Have you been limited by what you can do because of your credit? Life happens, which sometimes causes a setback that effects our financial affairs. No matter what happened to you, you have the ability to re-write the narrative of creating a new direction. ChandraSpeaks is glad to bring to you, an A to Z guide that will teach you more about your credit, credit report and how to raise your credit score! When you fix your credit, or even enhance your credit you position yourself to be in financial power.
If you're looking to purchase a new home, good credit is the first thing you must present. The same goes for a new car, apartment, and many other things that we need in life. This guide is KEY if you want to raise your credit score.
You will learn:
- How to locate and demolish mistakes against your credit
- How to contact credit bureaus for the cleanup process
- How to build credit with SECURED credit cards
- Tips for increasing your credit score quality
- And so much more!
Let's get you positioned for your more!